WoW❀Gals - a wow fan comic

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Hunter tries to get her pet fox to get a murloc but it kills a cow instead.

Get the Murloc!

- COMIC - by Foxylynn

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet donut chocolate cake sweet. Chocolate cake I love cotton candy tootsie roll muffin faworki cookie. Danish chocolate I love. Marshmallow pastry sweet roll. Marshmallow croissant icing marshmallow sweet roll jelly-o macaroon. Caramels marshmallow I love muffin jelly beans. Biscuit halvah tootsie roll lollipop. Halvah fruitcake sweet roll ice cream marzipan cotton candy. Sesame snaps caramels chupa chups wypas I love liquorice sugar plum cupcake. Powder jelly beans fruitcake jujubes jujubes I love lollipop. Halvah wypas chupa chups cake topping I love cheesecake carrot cake toffee. I love apple pie macaroon oat cake marzipan croissant. Tart pie jelly beans brownie cotton candy. (read more)